A broken or cracked tooth can be extremely painful. The pain is often due to an exposed root. This causes sharp pain or tenderness- depending on a particular scenario. A damaged tooth may come from eating hard or crunchy foods, a fall, or due to oral health issues. But no matter the cause, the result is the same – intense pain and a need to get to the dentist’s office as soon as possible.

Temporary Home Remedies for a Damaged Tooth

  1. Broken or cracked tooth – Ignoring these issues can lead to infection and needing extensive dental work. But if your tooth cracks or breaks after hours, you may need to take temporary action. You can treat the pain and discomfort using paper towels or gauze to absorb the blood. Then, apply an ice pack to your cheek near the damaged tooth to reduce pain. It is also advised to take an OTC med such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
  2. Knocked-out tooth – If you can find the tooth, pick it up by the top portion, never the root. Rinse it with water, a saline solution, or milk. Store the tooth in a plastic container with milk or your saliva so you can bring the tooth to our office. IMPORTANT: Do not store the tooth in water, as this will hasten its demise!  Contact our office immediately.
  3. Rinse out your mouth – No matter the problem, take a few minutes to rinse your mouth with warm water to remove any debris or dirt.
  4. Protecting your mouth against a damaged tooth – If you have cracked a tooth and have to wait to come to the office, you will want to protect your mouth. Head to a drugstore and pick up a kit that contains dental wax. Use the wax to cover the damaged tooth. You should also avoid chewing food on the injured side.

Damaged Tooth

How Dentists Repair Damage or Cracked Teeth

  • Dental Bonding – Used for cracked, chipped, misshapen, gapped, and decaying teeth. Dental bonding uses a conditioning liquid on the damaged tooth then applying putty. Your dentist will mold and smooth the area, then use UV light to harden the composite. The tooth is then shaped and polished to match the rest of your teeth.
  • Veneers – The most common veneer is porcelain. The dentist will attach the veneer to the front of the tooth. A veneer will match your existing teeth and last up to 30 years.
  • Dental Crowns – These caps cover a damaged tooth to protect it from further deterioration. It prevents you from losing a cracked or chipped tooth.
  • Root Canal Therapy– This is the best approach for teeth cracked to the root. A root canal repairs the damage to the tooth and its tooth tissue. Upon finishing the root canal, a crown is placed over the damaged tooth.
  • Dental Bridge – If there are multiple teeth knocked out, it may be necessary to have a dental bridge built. A bridge requires at least one tooth (ideally two) for the bridgework to attach to.

You don’t want to sit back and see what happens next when you have a damaged tooth. You need to take action immediately. The team at Premier Dental of Carlisle is here to help. We can assess the situation and determine the best course of action. Never hesitate to contact us about a dental concern. We are here to help you.