Premier Dental of Carlisle

Dental Bonding


Dental bonding is a versatile and cost-effective treatment offered at Premier Dental of Carlisle that can improve the appearance and functionality of your teeth. This simple procedure is often used for cosmetic purposes to correct imperfections in the teeth, making it an ideal solution for those looking to enhance their smile without the time and expense of more invasive treatments.

What is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding involves applying a tooth-colored resin material to the teeth, which is then hardened with a special light. This ultimately bonds the material to the tooth to restore or improve a person’s smile. Bonding is commonly used to address issues such as chipping, cracking, gaps, or discoloration in teeth. It can also be used to change the shape or color of teeth, or as a cosmetic alternative to amalgam fillings.

Benefits of Dental Bonding

  • Aesthetics: The composite resin used in bonding can be closely matched to the natural color of your teeth, providing a natural look that enhances your smile.
  • Minimally Invasive: Bonding requires minimal tooth enamel removal compared to other cosmetic procedures like veneers or crowns.
  • Efficiency: Most dental bonding procedures can be completed in a single visit, making it a quick solution for improving your smile.
  • Cost-Effective: Bonding is one of the most affordable cosmetic dental treatments available.

The Procedure

During your appointment, the surface of the tooth will be roughened and a conditioning liquid applied to help the bonding material adhere. The resin is then applied, molded, and smoothed to the desired shape. The material is hardened with an ultraviolet light or laser, after which it will be further trimmed, shaped, and polished to match the sheen of the rest of the tooth surface.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Interested in learning how dental bonding can enhance your smile? Contact Premier Dental of Carlisle to schedule a consultation. Our team is dedicated to helping you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile with treatments tailored to your individual needs.


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Street Address:
35 Westminster Drive
Carlisle, PA  17013




MON: 8 AM – 5 PM
TUES: 8 AM – 5 PM
WED: 8 AM – 5 PM
THURS: 8 AM – 5 PM
FRI: Hours by Request
SAT/SUN: Closed

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